
my review:: keebler fake samoas aka coconut dreams

my friend kem introduced me to these lovely little things on the 4th of july. they are very, very similar to samoas. which is good... and bad. 
i have a major weakness for samoas. these are almost but not quite as good. but alot easier to get and  they happen to be cheap enough too.plus they give me coconut dreams.

 i need to stop eating so much sugar. sugar detox take one begins on Monday.
 i am limiting myself to one free day a week. 
ready go...


Eve said...


Pedaling said...

I love everything coconut!

Retrogirl said...

Oh no. There goes low carb living.

Mika said...

Oh WHY did you have to post about these? I was blissfully unaware, but now? Now, I'll have to hunt some down and eat them..yummmm

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

No I know about these arrrrgggh! I love my coconut treats just once a year.