
for your viewing pleasure.

top- napoleon dynamite cartoon. my boys think it looks hilarious

middle- a new tv show with zoey! she is the cutest ever

bottom- apparently this reminds my husband of my dance moves. he says i even make the same faces. this may or may not be spot on.

can't wait!


  1. Two Things: 1. New Girl looks really funny and I'm excited for that to come out. 2. I agree with James on the dance moves

  2. you've gotta bring that next time we go clubbin!

  3. Haha! That dancing video made me laugh out loud... because I'm pretty sure my husband would say the same thing about my dancing. I also can't wait for that show with Zooey - it looks hilarious :)

  4. After seeing you dance I am give your man a high five for getting it spot on friend. Ha ha ha


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