
menu monday

* black bean tacos, green salad, pineapple
* lemon ricotta pancakes with strawberries, bacon, smoothies
* shanghi chicken and noodles, green smoothie
* grilled taco chicken, ( made into tacos with corn tortillas) strawberries, leftover black beans
* steak, grilled potatoes and onions, roasted asparagus
* st pattys day dinner made by granny. you know the usual stuff...

do you guys eat leftovers alot? i'm not a huge fan. i will eat things the first day, then i don't care for them much after that. except for stew, pot roast, chili and fried rice. i need to be better about using them up. my husband takes them for lunch most the time but i still feel like some things get wasted.

what are you making this week?

do you eat  leftovers?

ps. click on the link for the menu above for a printable menu from eighteen25


  1. we don't eat leftovers too often. sometimes i save some for jake, but it doesn't happen often.

    that grilled chicken looks yummy, i may have to try that this week. i'm so sick of all my recipes, thanks for the links!

  2. I have the hardest time with leftovers - I usually try to cook just enough because we're horrible at eating left overs. Unless, like you said, it's roast and other stuff that's tasty even after sitting. I need to go through your recipes, they sound yummy


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