

these photos are of the amazing quilt top that my mom gave to me ( and that my granny gave to her). that belonged to and was hand-pieced by my grandpa's grandmother. the quilt is over 100 years old! isn't it beautiful? i'm not sure what i want to even do with it. it is in really good condition but i am still worried about applying a back and quilting it. have any ideas? all i know is that i am in awe of people's mad hand sewing skills!


  1. Yes I am going to do it..I made a really cute apron..I'll have to think of some other things to send..what other one are you doing? How did you ink your picture to her website??

  2. You did not miss it we really only had you and about two other people that were willing to help...so email me you address and we will get the patterns to you...my sister is in charge and she can give you more details..it would really help my sister out she is one of the only ones sewing these outfits...moserannette@hotmail.com..ps we do really need to get together...maybe my sis and I can come up and see you...

  3. Just found you yesterday, and came back today to read.

    If you'll back the top with a good quality fabric and some good quality cotton batting, it will protect the quilt top from breaking down (the actual fibers) as fast. I would take the quilt into a local shop and ask if there's someone local that could advise how to quilt, due to its age. It may be something you would want to hire out...depends on how much handquilting you want to do!

  4. Hi! I've made lots of nursing covers from your tutorial, but never checked the rest of your blog until now. You definitely should finish it or the top will get ruined, but I know it's intimidating working with something that has such sentimental value. I'm sure you'll be glad you did it, but it's hard to start...I'm cheering you on though...you'll do great!


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